The Seven Churches – Which One is Yours

“I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. On the Lord’s Day I was in the spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, which said: “Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.” Revelation 1:9-11 (NIV)

John, the disciple loved by our Lord, wrote down the last book of the Gospel based on what he had been told, and it became the famous Book of Revelation. The first four books of the Gospel describe the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and His ministry on Earth. The last book of the Gospel describes the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and what will happen on Earth by the time of His return.

The secular world has this idea of our Lord as a soft and kind teacher because He teaches humility and gentleness, forgiving and loving our neighbours, and not judging anyone. Like everything, people take what is convenient for them, and make God in their own image because of the selfish desires to continue in sin. I cannot remember seeing the secular world discussing the Book of Revelation. They would not understand it nor fear it. Our Lord in the Book of Revelation is someone to be feared. A soft teacher? I don’t think so.   

The enemy is clever and quotes the scriptures whenever it is convenient, but he will never quote the Book of Revelation because this book discusses the upcoming punishment. It talks about the enemy being chained down for 1,000 years and going to the lake of fire once the 1,000 years are over. It makes sense that he and his minions do not want to talk about it in the media, news, and TV.  

The Book of Revelation is also a warning for what will happen to all believers. The seven letters from our Lord to the angels of the seven churches are also valid for the seven churches in our time. Our Lord stated the characteristics of these seven churches and it is not difficult to know which one of these seven churches our church belongs to. The following is only a personal interpretation.

Church in Ephesus

Our Lord knows their initial good deeds. They don’t tolerate wicked people and false prophets and hate sexual immoralities (the practice of the Nicolaitans). They have persevered through hardships. But they have forgotten the first love, and their hearts have become hard and prideful with self-righteousness.

Church in Smyrna

This is a church with very few resources, but it feels sufficient. The members often suffer persecution from the enemy’s minions. They are asked to be faithful, even to the point of death. In return, our Lord will reward them with eternal life. I have seen underground churches like this one.

Church in Pergamum

Our Lord stated that the enemy lived in Pergamum then. This church in the enemy’s territory did not renounce our Lord. Our Lord remembered Antipas, a faithful disciple who was cooked alive inside a metal bull for his faithfulness. Some in this church follow the enemy’s agenda and allow sexual immoralities to happen inside the church. The enemy has since moved his residency to another city in the West, if I’m not mistaken, to the new Babylon.

Church in Thyatira

Our Lord recognizes some of their deeds, perseverance, love and faith. But some in this church have allowed Jezebel’s spirit to lead members into sexual immorality and the worshiping of idols. They also practice Satan’s so-called deep secrets (we will talk about these later). A few faithful who hold on to our Lord’s will shall be rewarded in the end.

Church in Sardis

This church looks alive with great worship in all appearances but is dead in our Lord’s sight. If it does not wake up, it will go for its destruction. Only a few walk faithfully with our Lord in this church, and they shall be saved.

Church in Philadelphia

A church with good deeds and recognized by our Lord. This church goes through trials set by the enemy but has not denied our Lord’s name and has not fallen to the world’s agenda. A church that is faithful and has kept our Lord’s commands to the end. This church shall escape the great tribulation and see our Lord face to face. This is my favourite one, but not my church.

Church in Laodicea

This is a church of lukewarm believers and lovers of the world. They like comfort and often side with the world’s agenda to conserve their lives and wealth. They do not know how to pick up the cross daily. Our Lord will still give this church opportunities to undergo trials like refining gold and being disciplined to open their eyes and repent. I recognize this church and it seems to describe many churches in North America.   

You may have your own interpretation.

But which one is yours?

Becomelects Ministry