More Self Discipline Tips

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NIV)

I like to remind us as much as possible on this discipleship journey because the road is narrow, the gate is small, and our hearts and flesh are against it. These suggestions for self-discipline heart training have been reminded a couple of times. Allow me to list them again as a reminder. But I want to add something extra, so be patient with me.  

1.          Keep the thoughts captive at all times.

2.          When the resentment arises, pray to let it go and forgive immediately, allowing no cultivation and leaving no opportunity for the evil ones.

3.          When the jealous thought arises, pray for the person you have jealousy toward.

4.          When self-pity thoughts arise, pray with gratitude that you are still alive so you can love and help someone.

5.           When the fear arises, reject it and call out the lie. 

6.           When worries arise, trust God that His plan is always better.

7.           When the temptation of gossip arises, force yourself to close your mouth and not speak for a while. 

8.           When defensiveness arises, go to an empty room, kneel, and pray for forgiveness for yourself and your loved ones.

9.           Humble yourself always; the only recognition we need is from our Lord Jesus Christ, and it will come.

10.         Learn to love and expect nothing in return.

Many things are causing anxiety, confusion, and fear in our daily lives. I want to share more self-discipline tips by using past Daily Cross that can help you navigate and make better decisions in everything you do.

As you already know, it is totally up to you to choose wisely.

1.        If the movies are not suitable for kids, they are not suitable for you to watch either. Remember becoming like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

2. Our hope has to be in our Lord Jesus Christ. Do not put hope in any politicians; they will always fail you. Avoid investing your time and emotions in politics, which can take your peace away.

3. Make a covenant with your eyes daily, and it will purify your heart in the long run.

4.         Reject the fear that the secular world wants you to believe about new diseases and viruses. Trust God and His design more than any secular company and scientists. Live one day at a time for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

5. Avoid picking a side and become a judge because the world tells you so. Humble yourself and do your own research.

6.         Leave your phone outside of the bedroom when it is bedtime and set the phone in silent mode when with family and friends.

7.         Pray the Lord’s prayers as many times as needed during the day. Pray for someone and ask someone to pray for you.

8. Stop talking unwholesomely. Meaningless jokes have negative value before our Lord.

9. Always keep your eyes on the Cross and write our Lord’s commands in your heart. They are the swords that you can use against spiritual attacks.

10. Test the spirits always. Care for your pastors, don’t put them on a pedestal.


May our Lord Jesus Christ give you peace and joy until His return.

Becomelects Ministry