Walk Alone With Him

“I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people – not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.” 1 Corinthians 5 (NIV)

I have friends in my church, and I know them by sharing meals, Bible studies, and after-service chats. We discussed work, family, health, sports and food. We tried to avoid all sensitive topics like politics. And the hearts were sensitive topics, too. All the dedicated prayers in the church are similar. They are all about the earthly treasures that the church and its members need so they can continue to do their work and live their lives without worries. I have never heard the call for repentance prayers in church. Maybe you have. You may say that only our Lord knows one’s heart, and I agree. However, I have experience being part of the men’s purity ministry for many years. Those who joined the groups on a first-name basis opened and shared their hearts. Doctors, engineers, salesmen, marketing, technicians, teachers, students, business owners, and pastors were there. Many wept in those meetings and repented, prayed and received prayers. It was a safe place. Without confession, there is no healing. I want to think that our Lord was present at those meetings because I witnessed many miracles of heart change. Only He could do that. Even though we did not share meals, I know these brothers better than my church friends.

Why is that?

Did I mention the first-name basis? None of the guys in the men’s purity groups were from the same church. They were all from different cities. Could pride, reputation and fear of punishment be the problem? I don’t know.

A person can go to church every Sunday and be involved in the church. But, there is not much difference from spiritual death if a Christ follower has not experienced true repentance. “Those who have been forgiven little, love little,” our Lord said. Without repentance for the forgiveness of sins, our Lord died for nothing. Spiritual death is like boiling a frog in cold water. The frog cannot sense a slow change in the water’s temperature. The frog will jump out immediately if you throw it into boiling water. But if you place the frog into cold water and slowly heat it to boiling, it won’t notice and will be cooked alive. Spiritual death does not sound an alarm now, but it leads to eternal suffering in the lake of fire.

Apostle Paul asked us not to associate with sexually immoral, greedy people, swindlers and idolaters in the church. But how? All those characters are hidden below the surface, and all talks are for temporary things. Many megachurch leaders were caught in their sexual sins. How many more are out there? There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of churches. In the men’s purity ministry, there was a statistic that at least 50% of the pastors watched porn regularly. Porn is a heart issue. A porn addiction not treated will not stop there because the deceitful hearts always want more, and the enemy knows it. I have seen pastors seeking help anonymously. I would recommend those pastors in porn addiction recovery to step down and focus on their walk with our Lord. One cannot preach things one does not do. There is a name for that, and our Lord cannot be mocked.

I don’t want to leave this world yet if it is up to me. I want to witness our Lord’s return. I used to walk like many. There were always new books, seminars, preachers, sermon series, teaching videos, and good and not-so-good messages. They would keep asking you what books you were reading, and the pressure was huge. Up to a point where I was so confused. Our Lord had mercy, and He showed me that there was only one teacher and that I should listen to Him only. He needed no introduction from others, and I have access to Him 24/7 through prayers. I have walked alone with Him since then. Read only one book, the Bible, and Trust and obey Him. All the noise is gone, and fear is also gone. When there is no doubt, fear cannot stay. When our eyes are on the Cross and we pay attention to little miracles daily, we never truly walk alone. One has to walk by faith and not by sight to see that. I still love to listen to testimonies, fellowship with His disciples and pray without ceasing. Becomelects will walk with you and remind you daily because our flesh is weak and memory is short.

May our Lord bless you with courage and wisdom for your walk with Him.

Becomelects Ministry