A Prayer To Seek Freedom From Fear

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)

We talked about walking by faith and not by sight. Apostle Paul said faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see(Hebrews 11:1). So, it is something we do not see, but we know it is there. That’s the reason we are here. I believe when faith increases to the size of the mustard seed that our Lord likes, fear will decrease to the minimum, and there is no doubt. When love increases to the level of unconditional, fear will disappear. When someone can lay down one’s life for loved ones, all enemies stay far back because it’s uncomprehensive for them.

There are certain types of fear that we can identify:

  1. Fear of death and sickness

  2. Fear of the enemy and demons

  3. Fear of rejection, confrontation and embarrassment

  4. Fear of confusion in sexuality

  5. Fear of financial problems and homelessness

  6. Fear of betrayal from spouses

  7. Fear of public speaking and being singled out

  8. Fear of divorce and separation

  9. Fear of height and certain food 

  10. Fear of sinful and people hurting thoughts 

There are more types, and you can add them to the list. We can renounce these fears and cast out these lies because free will is one of the greatest gifts from God, and it is also legalistic in the heavenly realm.

The following prayer can help you, and you must trust our Lord.

“Dear Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Christ,

I confess to You that I have listened to the enemy’s lies and have allowed fear to master me.

I have not always walked by faith; instead, I focus on my feelings. Forgive me for my unbelief.

You have not given me a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.

Now, I renounce the spirit of fear in the name and authority of my Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, reveal all the fears controlling me so I can renounce each and be free to walk by faith in You.  

In My Lord Jesus Christ’s name


Becomelects Ministry