Discipleship Training – Shorter Version

“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.” John 13:13 (NIV)

When the Becomelects ministry started on March 10, 2024, the mission was to follow our Lord’s command to make disciples for Him. It was a calling and a commitment because time is short. Writing daily was hard because I was not trained for that. I also have a day job. But I thought if the early disciples, uneducated fishermen, could have written those books, nothing was impossible for our Lord. I only need to trust Him to use simple words that anyone can understand to share my journey and what I have seen, and our Lord will do the rest. He is an expert in changing hearts. Even if we only make one disciple through this ministry, the job is done. Two or more is a bonus.

Readers may have realized I don’t call our Lord’s name without adding His royal title. He is my best friend, but I’m also a servant. He is the Lord of lords and King of kings. Imagine a servant publicly calling out the name of his King. But this is just me. I judge no one.

Our Lord said that to be His disciple, one must deny oneself and pick up the cross daily to follow Him. Therefore, we called it the Daily Cross for whoever wants to pick it up and follow Him daily. I will continue to remind us on this journey because our memory is short, and our hearts are deceitful. Some of the callings are not easy, and I hope you have seen and agreed that those callings were not just created and not practiced by someone. With our Lord, everything is possible.

“Therefore, I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 (NIV)

Physical training benefits our health; denying oneself and picking up a cross daily benefits our spiritual hearts, leading to eternal salvation. As the Apostle Paul said, we strike a blow to our body and make it our slave. The following suggestions for self-discipline have been discussed before, and this is a shorter version as a reminder.  

  1. Keep the thoughts captive and stay away from the self-pity pit always.

  2. Reject lies of fear. Those lies come from the enemy.

  3. Forgive. It is for your own sake so the Heavenly Father can forgive you.

  4. Make a covenant with your eyes. Become like little children for the Kingdom of Heaven.

  5. Choose our Lord’s side only. Put no hope on any politicians.

  6. Care for your pastors. Don’t put them on a pedestal.

  7. Humble yourself always. Pray without ceasing with open eyes.

  8. Memorize our Lord’s commands in your heart. They are the swords for your defence.

  9. Test the spirits always. Acknowledge our Lord publicly.

  10. Love is a decision. Love and expect nothing in return.

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Becomelects Ministry