Fear Deliverance Prayer – Reminder

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 7 (KJV)

The spirits of fear do not belong to you. The Bible also says fear comes from fear of punishment. As you try to walk on the narrow path of righteousness, the fear of punishment cannot stay with you. There could be lingering things in life that you want to get rid of; those are the things that can give you certain fears for the future. I can tell you one thing for certain: when one walks in light with love and is blameless before our Lord Jesus Christ, there is no place for the spirit of fear because one no longer lives for oneself. We live for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lord has already paid the price for our sins for the greatest love story in the universe. You can deny the flesh, make the decision now and follow the decision for the rest of your journey until our Lord’s return. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose.

This prayer reminder can help you renounce the spirits of fear on your journey. Remember, a prayer does not mean to be prayed only once.

Dear Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank you for your grace, mercy and love.

I have listened to the enemy’s lies and allowed fear to master me. I have not walked by faith but by sight with fear. Forgive me for my sin and unbelief.

I now renounce the spirit of fear and reject all the lies from the enemy.

You have only given me the spirit of power, love, and discipline. .   

Lord Jesus Christ, all authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to you.

Reveal to me all the fears in my life that I must renounce and cancel so I can be free to walk with you and be your disciple.

In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ


Becomelects Ministry