Are You Radical

“The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.” Luke 6:40 (NIV)

Our Lord promised those who follow Him would be given a new heart. Some may ask, how do I know that? We have shared in Daily Cross the 12 signs of a heart change for a disciple of our Lord. Those 12 signs describe the peace, humility, joy, and love of a disciple with a new heart in our Lord Jesus Christ. Some can be seen outwardly in a person, but for most of those, only you know.

I believe the true meaning of a disciple is to become like the Teacher. But since no one on earth is like the Teacher, everyone is on that journey to be fully trained.  

When will the training end?

Maybe until our Lord’s return? That’s my hope.     

In the meantime, I really enjoy this training of peace, suffering, joy and love with eyes on the Cross.

There is one more thing about this training to be like the Teacher. Our Teacher loves sinners, which is us, but He also hates sins. The secular world and the enemy twisted this as much as they could to confuse the world, and many Christians fall into this lie.  

Before knowing our Lord, I had a different worldview. I saw no sins because many of my friends were sinners, and my heart was also deceitful because I believed the world. I could not stop weeping once He opened my eyes and showed me love and forgiveness, how holy He was, and how dirty I was. You have to know this: For Holy God, sins are filthy and dirty. I cannot find a good example of how dirty I felt before Him. But I fully understood why our Lord hates sins: Holiness and sins are 100% not compatible. I started praying for righteousness in my daily prayer, and everything I want is to become righteous like our Lord.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:10 (NIV)

Everything that is against our Lord’s teaching is unrighteous. You know what I mean.

Your righteousness will not be tolerated in the secular world circle if you are outspoken. How much do I hate sins? I don’t know, but I know our Lord Jesus Christ hates sins more than I do. Do I still love my friends who continue their sins without repentance? I don’t have an answer because I’m not fully trained yet, but I know that I prefer not to be around unrepented sinners now.

Some may call me radical because of my views. I’m not sure about the usage of this word anymore because it has been used to describe religious extremists often by the media. I had to check the meaning of radical in the dictionary:

“A radical person is typically characterized by their extreme or far-reaching views, principles, or actions that significantly deviate from conventional norms or traditional practices. Radicals hold strong beliefs or ideologies that are often considered far beyond the mainstream or status quo. Advocacy for fundamental change. Willingness to challenge norms. Radical individuals are not afraid to question and challenge established practices, institutions, or ways of thinking.”

Are you radical? Because our Lord Jesus Christ is.

Do not be afraid of persecution for your righteousness.

Our Lord has promised you the kingdom of heaven.

Becomelects Ministry