Choose Our Lord’s Side Only

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters” Matthew 12:30 (NIV)

I have shared why I no longer follow politics. It distracted me from my walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. Some of you may not agree because you have hope in certain politicians. These politicians promise to fix the issues you care about. Most focus on the economy, jobs, immigration, taxes, or healthcare. Your hope is in them, and your heart rate increases in excitement when they speak. You despise the other politicians, and your heart rate increases in resentment whenever you see them.

Let’s say your favourite politicians are in power, and the best outcome is that they do what they have promised. They try to fix those issues you think are the problems so you can have the earthly treasure. But they would never touch on the subjects our Lord considers sins because those issues affect their votes. Both sides of the aisle are the same.

Our Lord despises pride, lies, corruption, and sexual immorality. He also despises the enemy and his minions. He is not interested in money, mortgage payments, or retirement plans. He is less interested in illegal immigrants coming into your country and taking resources or competing for jobs. He certainly is not interested in your military forces’ strength because He will return with His army with millions of angels.

I know He is interested in your heart and that you are with Him, not against Him.

Ask yourself these questions:

What does it mean to be with our Lord Jesus Christ?

– Deny oneself and pick up the cross. Trust and obey His commands.

Who is against Him?

– The enemy and his “minions”. Not all minions are supernatural entities.

When the time comes, there will be only two groups: sheep and goats.

Sheep will go to eternal salvation, and goats will go to the lake of fire.

Therefore, I will remind us again that we are either with our Lord or against our Lord.

Do not be deceived by the enemy; he plays on both sides.

Choose our Lord’s side only.

Becomelects Ministry