Do We Want To Be One Of Those Few

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14

I’m travelling and only have time to prepare Daily Cross for the next day when I return to the hotel at night. This is a commitment to our Lord, and I take it seriously. This also comes with an advantage, though. I can share the fresh blessing I witnessed during the day.

A good friend invited me to his church and asked if I could share my testimony. I gladly accepted, but I had no idea what to say because it was short notice. This was also my first time on the podium to speak to a congregation. I have done that before as an engineer to teach others about technologies. But I have never spoken for our Lord in a church service. I asked our Lord Jesus Christ to step in and say whatever He wanted the people of this church to hear. He knows what they need, and I don’t know. When you trust Him more than yourself, things can be easier. He honors the request when the motive is right.

I spoke for one hour. I wanted to stop, but they asked me to continue. I saw their faces, and they were eager to know more. I realized that all this time, I had spent many hours preparing the Daily Cross, which helped me share our Lord’s words without difficulty when the moment comes; the words come to life when our Lord steps in. It was an emotional moment with tears.

I shared my journey with our Lord Jesus Christ, his unconditional love, his grace, and mercy. I talked about making the covenant with our eyes and the importance of forgiveness. I also shared His return and the coming New Era using the scriptures. I realized some reactions when discussing the End Time and New Era in the Book of Revelation. After the service, my friend, the pastor of this church, told me they did not touch the Book of Revelation much. It is not an easy book to understand because of the many symbolism involved. The Beast has 10 horns with crowns and seven heads. It has the shape of a leopard, bear foot, and lion’s face. Understanding the Beast, the False Prophet, New Babylon, and the great prostitute may require research into human history, royal families, and geopolitical issues from the past five hundred years til today. Most churches avoid touching the Book of Revelation because it can be scary. It is like whoever wants to scare people away shall preach the Book of Revelation like it will happen on Earth to all the believers before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, and only a few stand firm until the end will find Him.

I heard some teachings that all these events in the Book of Revelation that will happen during the Tribulation have already happened in the heavenly realm so that we can live peaceful lives on Earth without any worries. Tell that to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. The only difference between the sexual immorality in our current world and the people in Sodom and Gomorrah is that they knew what they did was evil.

I also heard the most common teachings about the church’s rapture, that all believers will be taken to heaven to be saved from suffering during the Tribulation. All unbelievers will suffer, and the Book of Revelation was written for them, even if they don’t read the Bible or believe in our Lord. We can enjoy watching them suffer from the sidelines. I found this doctrine makes no sense at all. It is also nowhere to be found in the Bible.

But I found this, though:

“The servant who knows the master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Luke 12:47-48 9NIV)

Those believers who call themselves Christians could be punished even more than the unbelievers if they do not follow the commands of our Lord.

He said only a few will find Life, which means Lord Jesus Christ.

Now we ask ourselves, do we want to be one of those few?

Becomelects Ministry