Take It One Day At A Time

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

I want to remind and emphasize the importance of reading the Word of God on the discipleship journey. Reading the Bible is like reading a user’s manual of our hearts. Many claim to follow our Lord Jesus Christ but do not know His Commands by heart, which are Instructions of Use for our hearts. They follow their deceitful hearts and feelings without knowing any difference. They call themselves Christians, but their focus is always on earthly treasures. Most fall in love today and fall out of love tomorrow. Nothing is guaranteed because a sinful heart is a selfish heart.

We are temporary on this earth. Have you sensed that time seems to be flying? When you read this post, it was Thursday, but when you realized it, it was Sunday already. Our Lord Jesus Christ stated that we would have trials and tribulations. Imagine if I tried to convince you to join our team and said that you would have many troubles. Would you come?

But if I told you that those troubles are temporary and shall make you strong and mature, not lacking anything because they’re part of the discipleship training, and the payout is great, would you reconsider?

You will have to trust me, just as I trust Him for His eternal life offer. I have seen guys accept these conditions and receive a great payout with peace and joy. They all have one thing in common— Total dependency on our Lord.

Regardless of the trials and tribulations, they are humble enough to know that they must take it one day at a time. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is sufficient for them. Tomorrow is another day.

May our Lord bless you with the trust and obedience you seek.

Becomelects Ministry