Walk Alone With Him

At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” 2 Timothy 4:16-18 (NIV)

Are you afraid of being alone?

Having no church, Bible studies, or small group fellowship. No Christian friends are in touch with you; everyone has forgotten about you. Apostle Paul went through that and wrote it down so we know it was true. Some of us went through the same thing during the pandemic when we were kept captive, and some went through that loneliness due to a particular reason. The world would tell you that isolation is bad and can lead to depression, and depression is a terrible thing.

Knowing Paul, I think he was only sad because of the betrayal, not loneliness. Paul was alone, but not alone. He had our Lord by his side to give him strength. What could be better than that as a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ? Paul had a clear mission and no fear of death; he said: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

I’m not a psychologist, but it does not need one to know that Paul had no self-pity in him. Paul’s messages of faith, hope and love have inspired generations of faithful. From my experience helping men in the purity ministry, I can testify that without self-pity, there is no place for depression. Depression comes from accepting lies of hopelessness from the enemy and believing in them. Some may not agree with me on this topic, and it is okay. I can only speak from what I have seen. I have never seen anyone completely healed from depression by taking pills because depression has a spiritual component to it, and only our Lord can heal.

I recently returned home after visiting the city I lived in before. I went to the church which I used to attend. I love the people there, and they did not throw away my greeter badge! I liked to greet and bless people and pray for them in secret. I was never there for a sermon. One brother asked me if I had a church back home. I said no. He was shocked and couldn’t understand the concept of no church. Actually, I did visit a few, but I gave up. You probably have guessed the reason if you have been following the Daily Cross. All sermons I have heard were neither cold nor hot. Call for repentance and our Lord’s return are must-no for preachers. When our Lord said there is only one teacher, He meant it. A person can attend church every Sunday and participate in the church’s activities. Still, if a Christian has not experienced true repentance from sins, there is no difference from spiritual death in the secular world. Without repentance for the forgiveness of sins, our Lord died for nothing. Therefore, many Christians believe in the Rupture because of the needed sense of comfort, or they could panic.

I have used the boiling frog as an example before. Spiritual death is like boiling a frog in cold water. The frog cannot sense a slow change in the water’s temperature. If you throw the frog into boiling water, it will jump out immediately. But if you place the frog into cold water and slowly heat it to boiling, it won’t notice and will be cooked alive. Spiritual death does not sound an alarm now, and the parties can go on. But it leads to eternal suffering in the lake of fire when the time comes.

The pandemic was a blessing in disguise for my walk with our Lord. I threw away all the books and read only the Bible. I listened to His voice only. Our Lord Jesus Christ needed no introduction from other preachers, and I could access Him 24/7 through prayers. I trusted Him and obeyed Him. All the noises and distractions were gone. Fear was also gone. When there is no doubt, there is no fear. When we walk by faith and not sight, we are never alone.

There is no reason to fear loneliness or isolation. Use those moments as an advantage in your walk with our Lord. There is a saying: Saints walk alone. A similar trait is also found in many prophets in the Old Testament. You can still fellowship with other disciples of our Lord and learn to love and expect nothing in return. But do not fear if you don’t attend a church. That’s not a requirement for the Narrow Road.

May our Lord bless you with courage and trust for your walk alone with Him.

Becomelects Ministry