Keep Your Side Of The Street Clean

“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.” Matthew 5:23-26 (NIV)

One experience taught me that it is always better to reach an agreement as soon as possible with the adversary. This realization was even before learning the commands from our Lord. There was one case years ago in which the company I work for had settled a software license dispute for $15,000, but the lawyer billed 4 times more. There were only two winners in that case; they were both lawyers. It would have been better to settle quickly to save all the trouble, time, money and relationship.

After learning our Lord’s commands, there was a supply contract that a vital client wanted to get out of without any reason. They were surprised when we agreed to their request without penalty. Our team took the loss and went through a very difficult period. We would have done differently if not because of our Lord’s mercy. Peacemaking is a two-way street. I believe our Lord did not joke around with His commands. We either trust and obey Him, or we don’t.

Sadly, most churches claim to be disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, but when they sense danger that can threaten their reputation and livelihood, they quickly give in and trust the outside lawyers more than they trust our Lord.

Anyway, this is not the main subject I want to discuss. As you already know, let’s return to the topic of our hearts.

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15 (NIV)

It’s always about forgiveness. Forgiveness is the number one condition for walking on The Narrow Road. Yesterday, we sought forgiveness from the Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, and today, we will forgive others so we can be forgiven. This is non-negotiable. There is a saying that resentment is like drinking a cup of poison and expecting someone else to die. Therefore, forgiveness is for our own sake, not for the sake of the people on the other side of the street we resent.

What shall we do if we are those on the other side of the street?

I have seen men repent, set their focus on reconciliation, and put aside all the other priorities. They sold their business, cars and houses. Some gave the proceeds to their loved ones. They focus on redemption and loving their loved ones from a distance if it is required. They seek forgiveness to smooth the burden for everyone involved. Something no lawyers could ever comprehend. They further amend their past actions with people they have hurt or lied to. Whether they can receive forgiveness is no longer up to them. Some had a long list and made it their mission to accomplish for the rest of their lives. It requires surrendering oneself and being humble enough to focus on cleaning their side of the street and not looking at how dirty the other side is. I know because I witnessed that and experienced it myself.

Being a disciple is not about us anymore. It is all about our Lord. When someone decides to love and expect nothing in return, nothing can stop that. Nothing and no one! Not the enemy, not the lawyer. Apostle Paul, as a true disciple, lived by example and said, “To live is for Christ. To die is a gain.”

I’m not encouraging you to sell your assets or belongings, but you can list people you have hurt and make the amendment and reconciliation when there is still time and people are still alive. Sometimes, it could be the things said and how they were said. Sometimes, it could be a much heavier thing like abandonment or unfaithfulness. You know what they are because there are regrets at night. Why not sit down and grab a paper and write them down? Once you have them written down, I guarantee you will know how to correct those wrongs with prayers. You are doing this for yourself and no one else.

Make it a mission to keep your side of the street clean before our Lord’s return, and try not to publicly announce your plans. If you want other people to know, you are no longer sincere in this redemption journey, and pride is involved.

Our Lord will reward you with the peace you seek when good things are done in secret.

Becomelects Ministry