It Takes Two To Tango – Reminder

The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. “ Genesis 2:23-24 (NIV)

Today’s Daily Cross is another reminder. I’m familiar with the country famous for its Tango, Asado (BBQ), and Football (a.k.a. soccer). Their people may be able to live without one, but not two of those three. Tango requires two people of the opposite sex to engage in the dance routine, or it will not work. It needs a man and a woman. The same is true for marriage when a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife. The problem is the story doesn’t usually end there. There are arguments, disagreements, fights and hurts inside the marriage. Separations and divorces are normal for Christians. That is usually when both partners are good at Tango.

I have experience helping men on their walk with our Lord. Men want to be respected. They want their opinions to be heard. They have pride, which leads to defensiveness most of the time. Many want to win in all arguments. That’s the definition of respect for them. In a quiet morning, what do you see if you look back to those moments?

Do we win respect by winning an argument?

-Respect is not to be won but to be earned. It’s the same as trust.

Can we lose so our spouses can win?

-Cheering on the win of our loved ones, even if we are the losers. It is the command to take the slaps on both cheeks.

Do we keep our mouths shut and not even try to engage in an argument?

-It requires a wise, humble man to know that it takes two to tango.

For your peace of mind and to reject the pressure from the world to be their man, our Lord said: “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown. “ Luke 4:24 (NIV)

Some men claim they can lay down their lives for their loved ones, but rarely can they handle the disrespect for their pride. In those moments, all promises are forgotten. So that you know, a mighty King did not open his mouth when He was wrongfully accused and led like a lamb to the slaughter. He went to the Cross for you and me, yet He did not open his mouth. He is the whole reason why we are still here today.

Next time, before we react angrily when we are accused of something, we should say yes, apologize or no, and say nothing more. Go to an empty room, humble ourselves, kneel, and pray for our loved ones instead of reacting defensively and hurting them with our words. Some words are hard to forget and can be sharper than any knife. This is the definition of picking up one’s cross and laying down one’s pride. We will not be able to change the hearts of anyone, but our Lord can.

Becomelects Ministry