Midweek Prayer – A Disciple Warrior

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20 (NIV)

Prayers are to be prayed many times in different situations. It often affirms our decision and trust in our Lord. Just as physical exercises have value for our bodies, so are spiritual exercises that have great value for our hearts. The enemy knows and does not like it.

We have seen many evil things, which are shown as good things. Everything that our Lord stands for is seen as bad. These are spiritual attacks that manifest using tactics of confusion and fear. So you know our battles are against the principality in this world. We don’t have to be passive about them. We can take up the shield of faith and fight back with prayers to counter the enemy’s offensive. What do we have to lose? Absolutely nothing.

The following prayer is effective for a disciple warrior. It is also a declaration prayer because of the heavenly realm’s legalistic rule of free will.

“Dear Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank You for Your Mercy, Grace and Love.

I believe all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to You, Lord Jesus Christ.

I humbly ask You to fill me with Your Holy Spirit, give me a heart of discernment, guide me and lead me away from all kinds of temptation.

In the name and authority of my Lord Jesus Christ, I command the devil and all his minions to stay away from me so I can be free to follow the will of the Father, to repent, trust and obey You.

I belong to my Lord Jesus Christ, and the evil ones cannot touch me.

In Your name


Becomelects Ministry